Garrett Marchant: Up and Coming Racer to Watch

Photo from Garrett’s facebook page

By Jason Schultz

Garrett Marchant isn’t your average fifteen year old boy. He’s not playing video games for hours; he’s out in the race shop working on his race car. His passion for racing is in his blood. He grew up around racing with a racing family and races at multiple tracks around the North Carolina region. He has major talent and ability. Most of you likely don’t know Garrett but one day you’ll hear about him on TV when he’s racing in NASCAR’s top levels.

Recently I was able to conduct an interview with Garrett so you can learn more about this young racer.

How did you get your start in racing?

“Racing is in my blood that’s for sure! My grandfather and dad raced and I am continuing the family tradition as I try and make my way to the top of the racing ladder.”

Is there a racing role-model you look up to? 

“Not really, I try not to model myself after anyone else. I want to be my own type of driver.”

What are some of your racing achievements so far in your career?

“I finished second in my first ever 4 Cylinder race at Coastal Plains Raceway, won in my fourth career start in a 4 Cylinder at East Carolina Motor Speedway, and I finished 10th in my debut in a Late Model at Orange County Speedway in 2011. (This is my first full season in a late model though.)”

You’re not the average fifteen year old, how do you balance your school work with racing?

“I’m homeschooled so that definitely helps a lot!”

Explain the racing league you compete in.

 “I compete in Late Models; they have about 400 horsepower and weigh 3100 pounds. They are a ton of fun and I’m really enjoying competing in the series. (It’s the highest local division)”
Photo from Garrett’s facebook page

Are there other young teenagers you race with?

“There are a few that run every once in a while, but I’m the only one that competes full time at Southern National Motorsports Park. When other teenage drivers are there though I HAVE to beat them or my night is not a success. Haha”

How has your racing season been going this year?

“Up and down for sure! We’ve been fast, but it seems like we have some bad luck. Things have definitely been getting better the past few weeks as I have been collecting multiple top 10’s and closing in on that first ever top 5!”

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

“I hope and pray that I will be competing full time in the NASCAR Nationwide Series in competitive equipment at least by then. There are millions of drivers out there wanting to do the same thing and I believe that it’s harder to make it in NASCAR than any other professional sport out there. A lot depends on funding though, so if I can find a marketing partner I’m pretty sure my dream will come true!”

Do you think one day you’ll compete in a NASCAR racing series?

“It’s definitely what I want to do! It’s the ultimate goal for ANY racecar driver out there. It all kind of depends on funding nowadays though. I’m going to drive my heart out and not think about it until it’s time to worry about “making it” though. A lot of drivers destroy their careers only thinking about getting to NASCAR. I love to race and as long as I’m doing that and WINNING I’m happy.”

What are some of the difficulties you face with racing?

 “There are tons of difficulties; finding a marketing partner is something very hard to do and I’m extremely lucky to have amazing ones in: Lone Star Car Transportation (, Walgreens of Chino Valley, AZ, and Other difficulties include the HEAT for one and it takes a lot of talent to get up on the wheel and win these races.”

Do you feel like you could be involved in racing for the rest of your life? 
“I think I will be for sure, I love it and I plan on being around as long as possible.”

Be sure to check out Garrett’s website-www.garrettmarchant.comand follow him on twitter @Gmarchant77. Also give his facebook page a like