Change is Coming to NASCAR – Are You Prepared?

download‘Change’ is the hottest topic around NASCAR circles as drivers, teams, media and fans contemplate the latest changes leading up to the Sprint Cup Series season opener at Daytona in February.

And more changes are coming.  As reported by the Charlotte Observer, NASCAR is contemplating changes to the Chase ten-race playoff system to decide the 2014 champion.One proposed change includes 16 versus 12 drivers qualifying for the Chase based on wins during the 26-race regular season.  If there are fewer than 16 drivers with wins, they can enter championship contention based on point standings.

Then, once the Chase begins at Chicagoland Speedway in September, there is a four team elimination after the third, sixth and ninth race, leaving only four teams to compete for the Sprint Cup trophy with reset point standings in the last race of the season.

Many wonder if fans are ready for more change within NASCAR. The irony of the question is that NASCAR is the most fan-driven arena in the sports world. In the last decade, NASCAR has lent their ear to listening to fans via social media and their Fan Council. If fans are not happy, neither is NASCAR because hypothetically, unhappy fans equate to fewer people at the track and watching on TV.

Prepared Not UnpreparedSo, NASCAR is working hard to keep fans happy by making changes within their sport of racing.  So the real question for consideration is whether fans know what they truly want to keep them engaged in the sport?

Whether the media agrees or not, NASCAR is making changes based on the fan voice. As fans make their voices heard, what’s of utmost importance is they better be careful for what they ask to change. Because changes coming this season are not because of NASCAR, the media, the drivers, teams or anyone except those wanting change – ‘The Fans.’

Time will tell if fans will be happy with change in 2014. But this time, if the fans aren’t happy, they only have themselves to blame.

2 thoughts on “Change is Coming to NASCAR – Are You Prepared?

  1. I believe that Nascar is right to have a 4 Car play off for the “Superbowl Championship” in the last 4 races, But have 2 Championships, and declare The Sprint Cup points Champ (consistency) after race 32, this covers both ideas .

    • Ross, you’ve hit on an interesting concept that could work. Wondering what others think of this idea?

      Here’s more food for thought along the lines of having two championships….What about having a Regular Season Champion, (Highest in points after Richmond) Then have the Chase Champion among the top-16 with wins (or top-points if less than 16 have wins) under the four team elimination after the third, sixth and ninth races leaving the last four to compete for the Chase Champion in the final race of the season.

      Per usual, it’s understood some will like the idea of regular season champion and some will hate the idea of two champions. Hard to please ALL fans in NASCAR.

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