Sadler enjoying a strong 2012 start

Nationwide, RCR driver Elliott Sadler
Photo – HHP/Alan Marler

If things keep going his way, Elliott Sadler will be tough to beat for the 2012 NASCAR Nationwide Series championship. In just 4 races of 2012, Sadler already has 2 wins – Phoenix and Bristol – and is the series points leader. A few key offseason changes have allowed for such a strong start to the season.

Sadler still drives the #2 OneMain Financial Chevrolet as he did last season, but the team he drives for and the personnel are different. Last season, Sadler drove for Kevin Harvick, Inc. under the direction of crew chief Ernie Cope. While Sadler had a very good season, he finished second in points and never won a race, which was certainly disappointing. Over the off season, Kevin Harvick, Inc. closed its doors with its Nationwide teams moving over to Richard Childress Racing for 2012. Many personnel changes and a lot of hard work went into the transition to get RCR’s three Nationwide teams ready to go and the effort sure has paid off.

Luke Lambert & Sadler during practice at Las Vegas
Photo – Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

Sadler’s crew chief is now Luke Lambert, a longtime RCR engineer on the #31 Sprint Cup team. Lambert got his first taste as a crew chief leading the #31 Sprint Cup team for much of the second half of the 2011 season. It was a team that was struggling mightily but finished the season strong under Lambert’s direction. 

Lambert’s crew for Sadler consists of many members of RCR’s #29 Sprint Cup team from the 2011 season. With so much Cup experience on the team, it’s no wonder that Sadler is having a strong start to the 2012 season. Seemingly, the members on Sadler’s team are all in the right places and working well together. And certainly when you couple that with a capable veteran driver and a team that is providing the necessary tools to win every week, it creates a scenario that will make this #2 team difficult to beat.

Confidence is certainly a big part of any team’s success and right now, this team has it. Lambert’s gutsy call to keep track position over fresh tires paid dividends in the form of last weeks Bristol win.  Other pit calls from Lambert have yielded finishes of 3rd, 1st, 3rd, and 1st, leading Sadler to a great start for the season. 

Sadler can legitimately win every week and now that he’s got a couple early wins under his belt, there’s no telling how many more he’ll get this season. In NASCAR, if you have good equipment and a team with the proper chemistry, you’ll have success. So far in 2012, Elliott Sadler has both and is poised for a championship run.

The Hendrick Organization Play their Cards & Win

Rick Hendrick held his cards close to his vest
throughout the Appeal process

There are a lot of smiles at the Hendrick organization and from the fans of the 48 Team. Hendrick and Knaus have played their cards perfectly within the appeal process and apparently within the NASCAR organization. 

The wild card mentioned in yesterday’s blog , did indeed surprise many on Tuesday, March 20th when National Stock Car Racing Chief Appellate Officer, John Middlebrook, reduced the Daytona penalties after presentations from the Hendrick organization and NASCAR. 

Gone are the 25 point penalties to driver, Jimmie Johnson and owner, Jeff Gordon. Johnson who was 17th in the point standings is now 11th, only 36 points away from the points leader Greg Biffle. 

Gone are the six-week suspensions for crew chief Chad Knaus and car chief Ron Malec.  Although both will remain on NASCAR probation until May 9, 2012.

Equally surprising, however, the $100,000 fine for Chad Knaus remains. 

The fine to Chad Knaus creates many questions following the unexpected decision by Middlebrook.  However, the questions leave no answers because Middlebrook has not yet provided an explanation for his decision. So many are left with piecing together the comments from both sides. 

Yesterday’s blog mentions the Ace up Hendrick’s sleeve being their knowledge of Middlebrook’s record of appeals since taking his position in 2010. In all of the appeals he’s heard, his decisions have reduced the penalties with only one involving a points penalty which he did not reduce. Yesterday’s blog also acknowledges there may be some unknowns that could put a wild card into play on the final day of this particular appeal. 

Rick Hendrick said his company brought with them “about 20 photos” and “10-15 pages” of detailed documentation used in their presentation to the Chief Appellate Officer. Included in their documentation were three affidavits which are key to the Hendrick defense and reveals some contradiction within the officials network of NASCAR.  

Hendrick says one of those affidavits gives permission for them to work within the gray area of the template used by NASCAR in their inspection process. The gray area in this case is the surface of the car that does not touch the template.  

This particular affidavit directly contradicts previous statements from series director John Darby. Last month, Darby said that teams know they can’t mess with the areas outside of the templates. “Since the inception of the new car, the templates are a guide that we use in the field. The difference between this car and the old car, all of the teams have been given (rules for) the entire surface of the car. In the old days, teams used to work in between the templates and that all stopped in 2007 and that’s ultimately where the violation of this one lies.”

The most obvious question with this new information – which official signed that affidavit telling Chad Knaus he had permission to do something that is specifically outside the stated rules provided to every other team within NASCAR? 

That affidavit gives Chad Knaus the golden ticket to work outside of NASCAR’s stated rules. That’s exactly why Hendrick kept his cards so close to his vest and didn’t want to give details of their defense strategy. That affidavit gives Hendrick exactly what NASCAR was trying to prevent – an unfair advantage over every other team in the garage. 

So there you have it – Chad Knaus knowingly out-foxed the officials network within the NASCAR organization and in the process, created the advantage for his team. Fair or unfair…it appears, he meticulously worked within the officials network to weave his web for success.  

The next question on everyone’s mind – How will NASCAR respond?

Yesterday, Kerry Tharp of NASCAR said, “We think the process speaks for itself, and we think it’s a good, fair process. I think there is still evidence that there was a rules infraction. The $100,000 fine is intact, so there was a rules infraction committed.” 

Tharp continued, “I think we take on the responsibility of regulating that garage, and we take that very, very seriously. The ability for us to regulate the sport is paramount. We’ve got to be able to do that, and we will continue to do that, and we think the sport is better off for it.”

Well Mr. Tharp, the sponsors, owners, drivers, crews and fans of all the other teams within NASCAR expect every single official to take that responsibility seriously as well. There is some strong evidence here that more than one official let us and NASCAR as an organization down. 

There’s little doubt, there will be more response from the executives at NASCAR in the days to come. And as said before, time has it’s way of revealing the rest of this on-going story. 

The 48 Team Appeal: Looking at Both Sides

 Crew chief, Chad Knaus and Car chief, Ron Malec 
are both subject to a NASCAR imposed six-week suspension
Photo – Jamie Squire/Getty Images

“As far as my reputation goes, I’m not too concerned about that.”  

– Chad Knaus 48 Team Crew Chief 

Once again, Rick Hendrick will defend the 48 team on Tuesday, March 20th. This time he will present their “shades of gray” defense to the Chief Appellate Officer, John Middlebrook.  

On the surface, it certainly appears, this may be the 48 team’s best chance at getting their penalty reduced with a two-point defense and perhaps an ace up their sleeve, that may explain Jimmie Johnson’s vote of confidence saying, the appeal will be in their favor when all is said and done on Tuesday. 

Defense one: The 48 team worked within the gray area of the C-post. That area not covered by the template NASCAR uses to measure the car as part of their inspection process. In Daytona, the car was never presented for template measurement.

Defense two: The same 48 car passed the inspection process multiple times in the 2011 season, without incident. 

And one possible ace up their sleeve is in playing their cards on the outcome of Middlebrook’s first appeal case in 2010. 

The 2010 case involved team owner Richard Childress disputing driver Clint Bowyer’s team penalties after the first race of the Chase which include 150 driver/owner points, a $150,000 fine and suspension of crew chief Shane Wilson for six races. Middlebrook did not reduce the points penalty but did reduce fines to $100,000 and the crew chief suspension to four races. So why not take this appeal as far as possible in hopes of at least reducing some portion of the penalty…right?

Moving along to NASCAR’s argument to uphold the penalty, those objectively looking at both sides of this particular situation, will find Hendrick’s “shades of gray” seem to fade when NASCAR’s perspective comes into focus as a “black and white” issue. Their argument centers on a sanctioning body decision to maintain integrity in the bodywork of all cars with a strict standard to address concerns by Team Owners and Sponsors of unfair advantages between smaller and larger funded teams. The intent of their well-publicized decision is to equalize the playing field, leaving a no gray area for teams to alter any part of the strict specifications provided by NASCAR. The strict standard was made clear to all teams not only when the decision was made, but was further clarified specifically to the 48 team in 2007 when they were caught with flared fenders in Sonoma. 

Scene Daily reports the specific NASCAR rule restated for the 48 team in 2007 is simply this,

“Streamlining the contours of the cars, beyond that approved by the Series Director, will not be permitted.” 

Seems to be straight forward and clearly stated. Knowing this rule was clearly articulated for the the 48 team – not once but twice – creates a huge hole in Hendrick’s “defense one.” This particular rule is in place entirely because there is no template covering every inch of the car during inspection. Furthermore, it was revealed in the appeal panel review last Tuesday, the officials in Daytona used gauges to measure the C-Posts after a visual inspection gave cause to do so. Those gauge measurements actually aided the officials’ determination – the C-Posts did not meet the specifications provided by NASCAR for the specific body part. 

Do you teach our children about ethics?
Do you abide by the same ethical standard?

The argument from some is that Knaus is suppose to exploit the boundaries of the rules. Really? When NASCAR is clearly stating their intention to level the playing field in relationship to the contours of the car at the request of team owners and sponsors, the argument is that Chad Knaus and other crew chiefs are simply doing their job by directly ignoring the stated rules to exploit the intention of the sanctioning body? Wow, is this the same ethical standard you teach to your children? 

Sorry, that argument simply does not hold water in this case. While there may be a small window of opportunity in other areas of the car, it’s plainly stated in the rules, the contour of the car is not one of those areas. In 2007, Knaus certainly tested his boundaries of the rules and was given another chance to demonstrate his understanding of the limitations within the stated rule. So what did he do with his reduced penalties provided via the appeals process? Yeah, you’ve got it, Knaus blatantly, ignored those limitations and boundaries…again. Although this offense was discovered in 2012, Hendrick and Knaus admit the car ran on the track in violation of the stated rules multiple times in 2011.  

Hendrick “defense two” loses credibility when you realize the 48 team knew they were modifying a specific body part that was not specifically approved by NASCAR’s Series Director. Surely, they would know if they took these parts to the series director specifically for the purpose of getting an approval. They did not take these steps, because they knew the part was in violation of the rule. In fact, it becomes difficult to believe anyone actually thinks defense two might work.  Hendrick is in essence saying, because no one said anything when we knowingly broke the rules several times in 2011, so the team should not be penalized since we were not caught those multiple times before the Daytona 2012 discovery.  

To fully understand just how absurd this defense truly is, just think about how well this same strategy would work for a traffic offender when a police officer stops the offender for a mere traffic violation.  Let’s try this out to make the point imminently clear. 

You can’t be serious?

“Officer, I can’t believe you are going to give me a ticket when I’ve run through red lights so many times before and no one said anything to me.” 

And to make matters worse, the traffic offender goes on to say, 

“Since no one ever stopped me before, I thought it was OK for me to run through red lights.” 

Sounds like a pretty lame excuse, because it “is a lame” excuse. 

Let’s take this one step further and analyze what these two statements truly say about the traffic offender.  

One, this person has no respect for traffic laws or the governing body putting those laws into place.

Two, this person apparently also has no regard for others that could be affected by their abuse of the law.  

Three, this person clearly has no regard for themselves, personally as they could also be harmed by this practice, including the damage to their reputation in using such a frivolous defense.  

Chad Knaus is creating his personal reputation
Even though he’s not concerned about that.

Amazing, there’s that word again…”reputation.” Ah, that’s right. Chad Knaus said in regard to the multiple penalties levied against him during his career as a NASCAR crew chief… 

“As far as my reputation goes, I’m not too concerned about that.”  

Apparently, he also has no respect for the governing body, the rules they have put in place and have clearly stated – not once but twice. Nor does he have any respect for others within his team, or the sport affected by his clearly demonstrated lack of respect

With NASCAR’s perspective clarified, it appears there would be only one choice that truly makes sense for John Middlebrook.  Especially taking into consideration that NASCAR understood Mr. Middlebrook’s perspective when their Childress penalties were reduced from $150,000 to $100,000. So, NASCAR levied a $100,000 fine against repeat offender, Chad Knaus. They even made concessions with the point penalties within a new points structure, with only 25-point deductions for the driver and owner and with an entire season remaining to recover those points vs. the 150 points deducted from Clint Bowyer’s championship hopes in 2010 with only nine races remaining in the season. The disparities are evident with the concessions already provided by NASCAR to the 48 Team. 

Where is NASCAR drawing the line in the sand? The six-race suspension of the most penalized crew chief in the garage. And if the suspension holds, he will still be burning up his phone battery communicating with his team while he is away from the track. 

Everyone with an interest in NASCAR will be watching for the outcome of the Hendrick appeal and how they play their cards knowing they have weak defense strategies in place. What is presented here is what has been made public. The weakness in the Hendrick defense is apparent and there’s not a lot of rocket science involved here. However, there may be some unknowns and that could put a wild card in play. 

What folks really want to know, is how John Middlebrook will respond to the Hendrick strategy. Why do we want to know? Because his response will impact the integrity and the way this sport plays out in the future. 

Either the game is played by the strict standards currently in place; Or those choosing to not play by the same rules are further enabled to manipulate the system. The same system put in place to equalize the field as requested by team owners and sponsors. Honestly, if the latter occurs, does that not equate to an epic fail in the process? 

John Middlebrook, will either open pandora’s box for everyone, eroding the sanctioning body’s strict standards; Or once again, the Hendrick 48 team will have the rules clarified and penalties upheld with the intention of ending any doubt of the already twice given rule which is clearly stated and strictly standardized for all teams. 

The next question that comes to mind – where is the line drawn for Chad Knaus, if after this appeal, he once again demonstrates his disregard for the governing body, his team, peers, and the integrity of the sport? How many more penalties will be tolerated from someone who clearly has no respect for his personal reputation and yet incredibly, anticipates to one day be nominated for NASCAR’s Hall of Fame? With the 48 team penalties piling up and violations not yet discovered, doesn’t this idea seem a bit surreal? 

Chad Knaus has openly stated, he could care less about the asterisk next to his name or his drivers’ name detailing numerous penalties throughout his career. But how long will Rick Hendrick and Jimmie Johnson continue to enable the erosion of their personal and team reputations? If they do continue to enable Knaus’ blatant disregard of the rules, they deserve the negative reputation that will certainly follow.  

It seems fairly simple – The “rules don’t apply to me” behavior of the 48 team must change for any sense of credibility to have any chance of being restored for the Hendrick organization and specifically Chad Knaus. Who is expecting this restored credibility? The sponsors, owners, teams, drivers and fans. With the weak defense of the Hendrick 48 team and multiple infractions throughout the past decade, anything less is indeed an epic fail of the process. 

Will Chad Knaus get the message this time?  Either way this might be his last chance to prove he has any sense of integrity and respect for himself and others within NASCAR as well. Winning at the cost of integrity can be a house of cards that one day will most certainly come tumbling down. 

The opinions expressed with this blog are solely those of the writer.  Those with similar and varying perspectives are invited to respectfully post your comments below, providing readers with both supporting and challenging points of view. 

Thanks in advance for your participation in the on-going discussion. 

Brad Keselowski Wins Calm Race at Bristol

Keselowski in Victory Lane at Bristol
Photo – John Harrelson/Getty Images

“It’s Bristol Baby”, the phrase many fans describe the annual races at Bristol didn’t live up to its name today. 

Brad Keselowski has now won the last two Sprint Cup Races at Bristol. Keselowski won the night race last August 2011. 

Only a few events highlighted the race at Bristol today. The first caution of the day on lap 24 was the big one. When Kasey Kahne came off of turn four he was cleared by his spotter but Regan Smith snuck up next to him and got into him which turned Kahne into the wall. Then Kahne came back across the track just barely missing Brad Keselowski. Carl Edwards came spinning into Kahne and as did Kyle Busch, Marcos Ambrose, and Kevin Harvick. KyBusch, Ambrose, Edwards and Kahne went behind the wall for repairs and all but Edwards eventually came back out on the track to pick up some points. 

Kasey Kahne commented after the wreck “Fastest car every week and something always happens.” Kahne has failed to finish without some sort of incident this season, his first with Hendrick Motorsports. Regan Smith commented on the radio “I was out there he just didn’t give me no damn room!” Smith came up aside Kahne as he came out of Turn four and turned him.

Video from YouTube

On lap #97 Brian Vickers, driving Michael Waltrip Racing’s No.55 car on a six-race deal, took the lead. After Red Bull Racing closed its operations after last season, Vickers was left without a ride. Vickers knew not to take a ride in cup that would not let him be successful and compete. So Vickers was called upon by MWR to driver for six races that Mark Martin or Michael Waltrip would not be competing in this season. Vickers performance Sunday opened a lot of eyes and Vickers showed he still has talent. 

After a very long green flag run, the caution came out on lap 115 when Ken Schrader made contact with the wall. 

Brad Keselowski took the lead on lap 217 and never looked back. 

After a 100 lap green flag run, a caution occurred when the No.30 of David Stremme got into the wall. Keselowski continued to lead the field. 

On lap 360 Jeff Gordon spun making significant damage to his car in turn three. Gordon’s teammate at Hendrick Motorsports Dale Earnhardt Jr. had been racing hard with Gordon and eventually got into Gordon’s tire, cut it down and Gordon wrecked into the wall. 

The final caution of the day came out when the No.14 of Tony Stewart made contact with another car and spun up into the wall.  Stewart continued on with little damage and with 24 laps to go. Also during the caution Dale Earnhardt Jr. was caught for speeding on pit road. 

The final restart of the day setup the defending Bristol winner Brad Keselowski and Daytona 500 winner Matt Kenseth on the front row. Keselowski soon took the lead and never looked back. Brad Keselowski is now a household name at Bristol after winning for the second time. 

In this writer’s opinion, the “New” Bristol likely caused many empty seats in the grandstands at Bristol. A few years back Bristol was laid down with a new surface and changed the racing there by eliminating only one racing lane and opening up the track. This “New” Bristol features less cautions and bumping which turns some fans off. 

Brad Keselowski will try to defend today’s win in the August Bristol night race which is one of the best of the season.
#2 car driven by Brad Keselowski
crosses the Bristol Finish Line first
Photo – Justin Edmunds/Getty Images


Miller Lite
Best Buy
NAPA Auto Parts
5-hour Energy
Aaron’s Dream Machine
Lowe’s / Kobalt Tools
Moen / Menards
Quicken Loans
3M / 811
Office Depot / Mobil 1
National Guard / Diet Mountain Dew
The Home Depot
Shell / Pennzoil
Charter Comm.
FedEx Ground
South Point Hotel & Casino
Front Row Motorsports
Furniture Row / CSX “Play it Safe”
Taco Bell
Burger King / Dr Pepper
Clorox / Scott Products
Burger King / Dr Pepper
JPO Absorbents
K-Love “Let it start with me”
TMone “We Drive Sales”
SealWrap / Widow Wax
Drive to End Hunger
Mac Tools
Farmers Insurance
Food Country USA / Inception Motorsports
Toyota / Pellet & Wood Stoves
North Texas Pipe
Turn One Racing / Carnegie Hotel
Morristown Driver’s Service
From Timing & Scoring at NASCAR .com

New and Views – Volume 17 March 12 – 18, 2012New

News and Views – Volume 17
For the week of March 12 – 18, 2012

“It’s go time. We need to score points, a lot of points every race.”

Jimmie Johnson – from an earlier year in his NASCAR career – about having a bad start in the Chase for the Championship.

No matter how much things change, there are times, when it seems some things never change.  

And the quote this week from Jimmie Johnson serves notice that whether it’s a bad start to the season, the chase or any particular race for any particular driver, when the green flag drops, “it’s go time” and every driver needs  “to score points, a lot of points every race.” 

It’s that mentality that keeps every driver digging, for every position, throughout the duration of any race and increases the competitiveness especially at the end of the race.  It’s all good for the fans of this sport and it’s one of many reasons NASCAR is our favorite sport.  

This week will be an interesting week as the appeal for the 48 team takes place on Tuesday morning. The team is already behind in points for the season and after the Daytona penalty and a rough first race, they started 2012 in dead last. After just three races and with 61 points to their credit, they now sit 23rd in point standings meaning they’ve accumulated an average of just over 20 points per race, despite finishing 42nd, 4th and 2nd respectively. 

This appeal is extremely important to the 48 team and the points, may be at least, one of the primary reasons Rick Hendrick made a quick decision to go through the appeal process. If they successfully appeal and get back the 25 point penalty, the 48 team gains ten spots in the point standings, placing them in a three-way tie for 13th position for the season. There are fans on both sides of this fence, making this big news that many are anticipating. So even off the track this week, for the 48 team, “it’s go time” for scoring points. The appeal on Tuesday was upheld by the Appeal Panel and now HMS is going to the next level of appeal with the Appellate Appeal Chief, John Middlebrook. This appeal is expected to take place next week. 

And now, we’ve come full circle back to where we started.  Some things never change. Whether the appeal process for the Hendrick team is or is not successful, time always has a way of telling the rest of the story.    

Let’s begin with news for today…

Sunday, March 18, 2012
2012 NSCS Food City 500 Race Results

Keselowski with Bristol Trophy
Photo – Associated Press

Brad Keselowski, with leading the most laps – 232 laps of the 500 that were run, dominated the NSCS Food City 500 Sunday afternoon and held off Matt Kenseth (by 0.714 seconds) for the victory at Bristol Motor Speedway.

This was Keselowski’s first series win of the 2012 season, his fifth series career win in 93 races, and his second series win at Bristol Motor Speedway.

Following Keselowski and the 2012 Daytona 500 winner, Matt Kenseth, to the drop of the checkered flag were all three of Michael Waltrip Racing drivers Martin Truex Jr., Clint Bowyer and Brian Vickers finishing third, fourth and fifth respectively. 

Rounding out the top-ten finishers were Jeff Burton finishing in sixth, Jamie McMurray seventh, Juan Pablo Montoya eighth, Jimmie Johnson ninth, and Paul Menard in the tenth position.

Greg Biffle, coming into the Food City 500 as the series points leader, finished 13th and remains at the top of the standings with a 9-point lead over Kevin Harvick who finished 11th.

Race Results
Points Standings

From Timing & Scoring provided by NASCARmedia

NASCAR changes pit-road speeding lines at Bristol
Jeff Gordon didn’t have to lobby NASCAR to change the timing lines on pit road at Bristol Motor Speedway after Brad Keselowski sped legally through several pit stalls on his way to the victory last August.

NASCAR officials heard everyone talking about it after the race and had already decided that changes would come in March.

When the Sprint Cup series returned to Bristol, drivers were greeted with additional timing lines that increased the pit-stall zones from two on each side of the track to four on each side of the track.

Read more from Scene Daily

Some not happy about Vegas fan access
Fan access is one of NASCAR’s hallmarks. But the chatter Friday at Bristol Motor Speedway from the drivers was that the interaction may have gone too far last week at Las Vegas when fans were allowed to be part of the drivers’ pre-race meeting with NASCAR officials.

Read more from Bristol Herald Courier

Drivers await fuel injection data
Jimmie Johnson and Greg Biffle were anxious to see the Electronic Fuel Injection data that made Tony Stewart so fast on restarts following last week’s win at Las Vegas Motor Speedway.

They will have to wait at least two more weeks – or they may not get that data at all.

Sprint Cup series director John Darby said on Friday at Bristol Motor Speedway that officials remain a few weeks from releasing EFI data and determining exactly what data will be released.

Read more from ESPN

Danica Patrick joins charity race
Danica Patrick has committed to drive in team owner Tony Stewart’s Prelude to the Dream Late Model charity race at Eldora Speedway.

Patrick said the June 6 event will be only her second time driving on dirt. The other was in a go-kart on a track outside of Charlotte Motor Speedway when she was about 14 years old.

Read more from ESPN

Business leaders voice excitement about NASCAR’s return
Business and community leaders met at Rockingham Speedway for the monthly Chamber of Commerce “business after hours” event on Thursday.

In anticipation of NASCAR’s return to “The Rock,” the meeting had an air of excitement as folks buzzed about the upcoming NASCAR Camping World Truck series Good Sam Roadside Assistance Carolina 200 presented by Cheerwine, on April 15.

Read more from Richmond County Daily Journal

Mario Gosselin declines to talk about details of arrest
A week after his arrest for solicitation of prostitution, former NASCAR Camping World Truck series driver Mario Gosselin was back where he’s most comfortable – the racetrack.

Gosselin owns a car in the K&N Pro Series East and was at Bristol Motor Speedway on Friday helping prepare the car to be driven by Roy Coutmanche Jr. for Saturday’s series opener.

Read more from Sporting News

Saturday, March 17, 2012
2012 NNS Ford EcoBoost 300 Race Results

Sadler celebrates in Victory Lane at Bristol
Photo – John Harrelson/Getty Images

The current 2012 NNS points leader, Elliott Sadler, continued to add to his lead Saturday afternoon, as he won the EcoBoost 300 at Bristol Motor Speedway, and now leads Ricky Stenhouse Jr. by 25-points in the standings.

This was Sadler’s second series win of the 2012 season, his seventh series career win and his second series win at Bristol Motor Speedway.

Finishing 1.159 seconds behind Sadler for second place was Kasey Kahne, and they were followed by Brad Keselowski finishing in third, pole-sitter Joey Logano fourth and Dale Earnhardt, Jr. finishing in fifth.

The defending series champion, Ricky Stenhouse Jr., finished sixth, while Justin Allgaier finished seventh, Trevor Bayne eighth, Kevin Harvick ninth and Ryan Truex rounding out the top-ten finishing positions.

Next up: The Royal Purple 300 at Auto Club Speedway on Saturday, March 24th at 5:30pm ET with television coverage provided by ESPN beginning at 5:00pm ET.

Race Results
Point Standings

From Timing & Scoring provided by NASCARmedia

2012 NSCS Food City 500 Practice Session Speeds
The NSCS drivers hit the track early Saturday morning for their second Food City 500 practice session, and it was AJ Allmendinger, with a lap speed of 122.638mph, posting the fastest lap during the session at Bristol Motor Speedway.

Kyle Busch, with a lap speed of 122.576mph, was the second fastest while Ryan Newman (122.443), was third, Greg Biffle (122.380) fourth and Martin Truex, Jr. (122.341) was fifth fastest.

Rounding our the top-ten fastest during practice were: Kasey Kahne (122.333) sixth fastest, Aric Almirola (122.310) seventh, Denny Hamlin (122.217) eighth, Matt Kenseth (122.209) ninth and Jeff Burton (122.201) posting the tenth fastest lap.

The teams will have their “Happy Hour” (final) practice session this afternoon from 12:00 – 1:00pm ET (weather permitting). 

Second Practice Speeds

2012 NSCS Food City 500 Final Practice Session Speeds
It was “The Rocket,” Ryan Newman, with a lap speed of 121.883mph, showing the fastest way around Bristol Motor Speedway during the final NSCS Food City 500 practice session.

Kyle Busch was second fastest with a lap speed of 121.836mph, followed by David Reutimann and Brad Keselowski with the identical lap speed of 121.682mph, being recorded third and fourth fastest respectively, and Kasey Kahne (121.628) was the fifth fastest.

Rounding out the top-ten fastest during “Happy Hour” were: Marcos Ambrose (121.566) sixth fastest, Clint Bowyer (121.405) seventh, Martin Truex, Jr. (121.328) eighth, Jeff Gordon (121.297) ninth and Jimmie Johnson (121.274) posting the tenth fastest lap speed.

The Food City 500 is scheduled to get underway Sunday afternoon at approximately around 1:20pm EST and television coverage will be provided by FOX beginning with their pre-race coverage at 12:30pm ET.

Final Practice Speeds

From Timing & Scoring provided by NASCARmedia

2012 NNS Ford EcoBoost 300 Starting Lineup
Joey Logano, with a qualifying lap speed of 124.210mph, captured the 2012 NNS Ford EcoBoost 300 Coors Light Pole Award at Bristol Motor Speedway.

This was Logano’s first series pole of the 2012 season, his seventeenth series career pole and his first series pole at Bristol Motor Speedway.

Starting on the outside pole in second and with a qualifying lap speed of 123.158mph, will be Trevor Bayne, followed by the defending series champion, Ricky Stenhouse Jr. (123.103) starting third, current series points leader Elliott Sadler (123.024) fourth and Brian Scott (122.850) will start fifth.

Rounding out the top-ten starting positions will be: Kevin Harvick (122.827mph) starting sixth, Brad Keselowski (122.764) seventh, Kyle Busch (122.670) eighth, Sunoco Rookie of the Year contender, Austin Dillon (122.654) ninth and Justin Allgaier (122.552) will start from the tenth starting position.

Failing to make the starting lineup were the #74 driven by David Reutiman; #89 driven by Morgan Shepherd and the #73 driven by Derrike Cope.

The Ford EcoBoost 300 is scheduled to get underway later this afternoon at approximately 2:20pm ET and television coverage will be provided by ESPN with their pre-race coverage beginning at 1:00pm ET.

Starting Lineup

From Timing & Scoring provided by NASCARMedia

Curb Records, K-Love Radio partner to inspire during 2012 Sprint Cup Season
Curb Records, one of the world’s leading independent music companies, has entered into a unique partnership with Christian radio network leader K-LOVE to bring an inspirational message to the fast track world of the NASCAR Sprint Cup series in 2012.

The partnership utilizes its full-season sponsorship of the No. 98 K-LOVE Ford Fusion for Phil Parsons/Curb-Agajanian Racing piloted by fifth-year Sprint Cup driver Michael McDowell and focuses on the message, “Let it Start With Me,” which was originally targeted by the recent Dove Award-nominated song of the same name by Curb Records’ Christian band No Other Name. It’s a campaign dedicated to bringing the inspirational theme of the Gospel to NASCAR with a message designed to encourage Christians to live out the reality of Jesus Christ in their own lives, as well as impacting their families and communities.

A devout Christian, the 28-year-old McDowell is well known within the racing world for being a competitive young driver and for his open declaration of faith with an inspirational trackside program.  “Finish a Winner.” K-LOVE is marking its third season of partnership with McDowell.

Mike Curb, owner of Curb Records, has a long and highly successful history of race team ownership in NASCAR and the open-wheel ranks, and he became a partner with Phil Parsons Racing this season. As the visionary founder of the Curb label that bears his name, Curb oversees a successful Christian label roster that, in addition to No Other Name, includes such award-winning artists as multi-Grammy and Dove winner Natalie Grant, Selah, MIKESCHAIR and Marie Miller.

Headquartered in Rocklin, CA, K-LOVE’s Christian music is heard throughout the US on more than 440 FM signals in more than 45 states, including major media markets New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Denver, Kansas City and Phoenix. Combined with its online audience at, the network is heard by more than 6 million listeners each week.

In an effort to expand on the new racing sponsorship of the No. 98 K-LOVE Ford and McDowell, the “Let it Start With Me” campaign strategy will include a series of faith-based trackside initiatives, including featured Curb artists participating in race-day events, prayer services and concerts.

From True Speed Communication for Phil Parsons/Curb-Agajanian Racing/Curb Records-PR

Friday, March 16, 2012 

2012 NSCS Food City 500 Starting Lineup
The current 2012 NSCS points leader, Greg Biffle, with a qualifying lap speed of 125.215mph, captured the Food City 500 Coors Light Pole Award at Bristol Motor Speedway.

This was Biffle’s first series pole of the 2012 season, his series career pole and his series pole at Bristol Motor Speedway.

Sharing the front row with Biffle in second and with a qualifying lap speed of 125.207mph, will be AJ Allmendinger, and they will be followed by Ryan Newman (125.158) who will start third, Jeff Gordon (125.085) fourth and Brad Keselowski (124.865) will start fifth.

Regan Smith will start sixth with his 124.816mph, qualifying speed, while Aric Almirola (124.719) will start seventh, Carl Edwards (124.686) eighth, Joey Logano (124.662) ninth and Kasey Kahne (124.355) will start from the tenth position.

Failing to make the starting lineup was the #37 driven by Timmy Hill

The teams will return to the track (weather permitting) on Saturday for two more practice sessions (9:30-10:25am ET and “Happy Hour.” 12:00 -1:00pm ET) and then return Sunday afternoon for the Food City 500 – which is set to get underway approximately at 1:20pm ET with FOX beginning their pre-race television coverage at 12:30pm ET.

Starting Lineup

From Timing & Scoring provided by NASCARMedia

2012 NSCS Food City 500 Practice Session Speeds
Carl Edwards, with a lap speed of 123.921mph, posted the fastest lap during the first NSCS Food City 500 practice session at Bristol Motor Speedway.

Second fastest and with a lap speed of 123.881mph, was AJ Allmendinger, followed by Marcos Ambrose (123.865) who was third fastest, Joey Logano (123.826) fourth fastest and Ryan Newman (123.730) was the fifth fastest.

Jeff Gordon (123.730) was recorded as the sixth fastest on the speed charts, while Regan Smith and Kevin Harvick with the identical lap speed of 123.658, were recorded seventh and eighth fastest respectively, Martin Truex Jr (123.650) ninth and Kyle Busch (123.594) rounding out the top-ten fastest during practice.

The teams will return to the track (weather permitting) later this afternoon for their 3:30pm ET Scheduled qualifying session, and then return again on Saturday for two more practice sessions (9:30 – 10:25am ET and “Happy Hour.” 12 – 1pm ET).

First Practice Speeds

Qualifying Order

From Timing & Scoring provided by NASCARMedia

2012 NNS Ford EcoBoost 300 Practice Session Speeds
Dale Earnhardt Jr, with a lap speed of 120.900mph, was the quickest Friday morning during the first NNS Ford EcoBoost 300 practice session at Bristol Motor Speedway.

The current series point leader, Elliott Sadler, with a lap speed of 120.656mph, was second quickest, and was followed by Brian Scott (120.611) who was third quickest, Joey Logano (120.496) fourth and Trevor Bayne (120.429) was fifth quickest.

Rounding our the top-ten quickest during practice were: Brad Keselowski (120.361) sixth quickest, Kevin Harvick (120.316) seventh, Kyle Busch (120.286) eighth, Kasey Kahne (120.038) ninth and Kenny Wallace (120.015) posting the tenth quickest lap speed.

The teams will return to the track later this afternoon for their 2:00 – 3:30pm ET scheduled (final) practice session.

First Practice Speeds

NNS Final Practice Session Speeds
It was the 2011 NNS defending champion, Ricky Stenhouse Jr, with a lap speed of 121.782mph, showing the fastest way around Bristol Motor Speedway during the final Ford EcoBoost 300 practice session.

Kevin Harvick with a a lap speed of 121.634mph, was second fastest and was followed by Trevor Bayne (121.620) who was third fastest, Brad Keselowski (121.520) fourth fastest and Kyle Busch (121.435) was the fifth fastest.

Rounding out the top-ten fastest during “Happy Hour” were: Sam Hornish Jr (212.397) sixth fastest, Joey Logano (121.297) seventh, Kasey Kahne (121.159) eighth and Rookie of the Year contender, Austin Dillon (121.121) ninth and Ryan Truex (121.045) posting the tenth fastest lap speed.

The teams will return Saturday morning for their 10:35am ET scheduled qualifying session to determine the starting lineup for that afternoon’s race – which is scheduled to get underway around 2:20pm ET with ESPN providing their pre-race television coverage at 1:00pm ET.

Final Practice Speeds

From Timing & Scoring NASCARMedia

Fans Around the World can now listen to PRN NASCAR Qualifying & Race Broadcasts
It’s qualifying, and you’re still at work. Or it’s race day, and you’re miles from a TV or your local affiliate radio station. Relax, there is now a solution to bring you all the great action from Bristol, Texas, Charlotte, New Hampshire, Infineon, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Kentucky.

That’s right race fans! Just log into and click on the “listen here” live streaming icon. Soon you’ll be racing with the stars of NASCAR. Fans can also listen to the race on the PRN affiliate websites.

All of the Performance Racing Network’s NASCAR racing action from Bristol Motor Speedway will be available online for the March 17 Ford EcoBoost 300 NASCAR Nationwide Race and the March 18 Food City 500 on at no cost. The PRN Bristol broadcasts also can be heard on more than 415 PRN affiliates around the world. A complete list of PRN stations with their links can be found on

PRN also offers exclusive live radio coverage of Sprint Cup qualifying throughout the season. Fans can listen on to hear qualifying each time PRN is at the track. Fans can hear live qualifying this Friday from Bristol starting at 3:30 EDST.

From Performance Racing Network-PR

Latin Grammy nominated La Santa Cecilia to Perform at Auto Club 400
Latin band, La Santa Cecilia will perform on the DiscoverIE FanZone Entertainment Stage prior to the NASCAR Sprint Cup series Auto Club 400 race on Sunday, March 25 from 8:30 – 9:15am.

Read more from Auto Club Speedway-PR

Silent Auction Shold be Race Fan’s Delight
Race fans will be able to pick up some pretty impressive racing memorabilia while helping build a home for an American hero on March 31 at Martinsville High School.

Actor Gary Sinise’s Lt. Dan Band will play a concert at Martinsville High School on March 31 as part of a fund-raiser for the construction of a specially-equipped smart house for Cpl. JB Kerns, who lost both legs and an arm in an explosion in Afghanistan a year ago.

Read more from Martinsville Speedway-PR

Award Winning Sensation JoJo to Sing National Anthem at Auto Club 400
JoJo, the youngest artist to ever reach #1 at the Top 40 Radio Format and the youngest solo artist to have a #1 song on Billboard Charts (both at age 13), will perform the National Anthem prior to the start of the Auto Club 400 at the Auto Club Speedway on Sunday, March 25 at noon PT.

The now 21-year-old’s newest album, her third, Jumping Trains, is scheduled for release this year.

Read more from Auto Club Speedway-PR

Bristol Lucky Day Sweepstakes Affords Fans Chance to Win Ford SHO Pace Car
The Bristol Motor Speedway pace car always is the center of attention whether on the track leading the field under caution or off the track with fans often snapping photos of themselves posing with it.

Now they have the opportunity to take home much more than just a photo.

Beginning March 16 at Ford Fan Friday at BMS, Ford gives fans the chance to win the official pace car, a 2013 Ford Taurus SHO pace car that will be used to pace the field for the Ford EcoBoost 300 and Food City 500 races. Fans can register for the big giveaway at, Guest Services tents around the BMS property this weekend or at Fan Relations located in the O. Bruton Smith Building.

The 2013 Ford Taurus SHO, valued at more than $39,000, features a 3.5 L V6 Eco Boost engine with 365 Hp and a number of upgrades, including adaptive speed control, adaptive cruise control with collision mitigation, SYNC with MyFord Touch, voice-activated Navigation System and climate controlled leather seats and steering wheel. In a nod to St. Patrick’s Day and the Lucky Day Sweepstakes, the Taurus sports a gorgeous SHO exclusive Green Gem color.

Three fans ultimately will be selected as finalists for the chance to win the car. All active 2012 Bristol Motor Speedway ticket account holders with a valid email address on file automatically will be entered. The three finalists will be at BMS for the August 24-25 night races, and will receive suite passes for the weekends, pit passes and parking passes.

The three finalists will attend the pre-race show for the IRWIN Tools Night Race. Each will receive a key and the fan with the key that starts the Official BMS pace car, which will have led the field for all NASCAR events at the World’s Fastest Half-Mile in 2012, wins the special edition vehicle to drive home.

The Bristol Lucky Day Sweepstakes promotion ends August 25th. For official rules, prize descriptions and odds disclosure, visit


Sauter, Hornaday Headline Autograph Session
More than a dozen NASCAR Camping World Truck series drivers will be on hand Friday, March 30 for an autograph session at Martinsville Speedway.

Four-time NASCAR Camping World Truck series champion Ron Hornaday and defending Kroger 250 winner Johnny Sauter will headline the autograph session.

Other NASCAR Camping World Truck series drivers already committed to the event include: Parker Kligerman, Jennifer Jo Cobb, Paulie Harraka, Ward Burton, Jeb Burton, JR Fitzpatrick, John King, Timothy Peters, Bryan Silas and Nelson Piquet Jr.

Read more from Martinsville Speedway-PR

Thursday, March 15, 2012
NASCAR star Tony Stewart shows a different side of personality
The public image of Tony Stewart is that of a take-no-prisoners speed demon – on and off the track.

The three-time NASCAR champion displayed a different side of his personality Tuesday afternoon.

Shortly after attending a high-stakes competition meeting at Stewart-Haas Racing headquarters near the NASCAR epicenter in North Carolina, Stewart decompressed for over two hours at the Small Miracles Therapeutic Riding Center in the rolling hills of Northeast Tennessee.

Stewart not only chatted with a group of wide-eyed special needs children, he helped lead their horses around the barn. He also posed for family photos, signed autographs and shared personal stories.

Read more from Bristol Herald Courier

NCWTS Drivers Meeting to be Open to Fans at Rockingham
In addition to 200 laps of great racing, your ticket to the Good Sam Roadside Assistance 200 presented by Cheerwine will also get you up close and personal with your favorite NASCAR Camping World Truck series (NCWTS) drivers. NASCAR and Rockingham Speedway are opening up the NCWTS drivers meeting for fans to come watch. The meeting is scheduled for 10:30am April 15 in the garage at the speedway.

Fans are asked to enter the infield through the tunnel in turn four if they wish to take part in the drivers meeting. A ticket to the race serves as admission.

Additionally, drivers will be signing autographs at their trucks on race day from 11am until noon. The gates on the front stretch (under the flag stand and in turn one) will be open for fans to cross.

For more information on the Good Sam Roadside Assistance 200 presented by Cheerwine, or to purchase tickets for any of the speedway’s events, contact Rockingham Speedway at 910-205-8800 or visit online at

Bristol signals start of spring short-track season
Spring’s short-track season opens this week at Bristol Motor Speedway, an up-close-and-personal type of hard-nosed racing that’s been the foundation of NASCAR competition since the 1940’s

Bristol’s Food City 500 is followed by the April 1 Goody’s Fast Relief 500 at Martinsville Speedway and concludes April 28 with Richmond International Raceway’s NASCAR Sprint Cup series 400.

Short-track racing is a fan favorite for a variety of reasons – not the least of which is the grandstand seats are as close as possible to the action on the track.

Read more from NASCAR .com

Bristol Motor Speedway Mobile App Debuts this weekend
Race fans visiting Bristol Motor Speedway for this weekend’s racing activities have a new informational tool to help them keep track of all the excitement at the “World’s Fastest Half-Mile.”

The Bristol Motor Speedway app provides fans access to race and event schedules, GPS-enabled property maps and several other features to help them get even more from their experience at BMS.

Read more from BMS-PR

SRT Motorsports (Dodge) Presents The Numbers: Food City 500 at Bristol
0 – Fewest cautions for a race at Bristol Motor Speedway – 7/11/71
0 – Fewest lead changes for a race  – 3/25/73
1 – Fewest laps led by race winner – 7/26/64 – Fred Lorenzen
1 – Fewest on lead lap at finish – 22 times, most recent 8/22/81
4 – Jet dryers available for track drying during race weekend
4 – Races won from outside a top-25 starting spot
7 – Consecutive wins by Darrell Waltrip at BMS – 1981-1984
7 – Fewest cars running at finish – 3/20/66
10- Cautions in spring race last year
16 – Most wins by a car owner – Junior Johnson
16 – Most leaders – 4/9/89
20 – Most cautions for a race at BMS – three times, most recent 8/23/03
34 – Races won from the front row – 22 from the pole
39 – Different winners at BMS in 102 Sprint Cup races
40 – Most lead changes – 4/14/91
42 – Cars that started the first race at Bristol in 1961
42 – Most cars running at finish – 3/16/08
60 – Minutes, the minimum amount of time it takes to dry the .533-mile track after a significant rainfall.
500 – Most laps led by race winner – Cale Yarborough – 3/25/73
157,574 – Number of fans that established the Guinness World Record for the world’s largest audience wave at BMS – August 23, 2008.

2012 Caution Update
1 – Races extended beyond scheduled distance – Daytona
7 – Fewest cautions this season – Phoenix
10 – Most cautions this season – Daytona
25 – Cautions in the first three races of 2012; includes 11 for accidents, seven for spins and four for debris.
112 of 781 – Laps under caution in 2012
191,500 of 1,217,500 – Miles under caution in the first three races

From Darnell Communications for SRT Motorsports (Dodge)-PR

Bojangles to Sponsor Southern 500 at Darlington
Get ready for the Bojangles’ Southern 500 at Darlington Raceway.

Officials for the NASCAR track and the fast-food restaurant chain announced the five-year deal Thursday at the NASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte, NC.

The agreement means Bojangles will be offered at concession stands at the Darlington Raceway. Bojangles’ menu is also available at four other tracks owned by International Speedway Corp. – Daytona International Speedway, Talladega Motor Speedway, Martinsville Raceway and Richmond International Raceway.

Read more from wltx

National Motorsports Press Association Most Popular Driver Voting now available

Read more details and Register to Vote at

AMS offering New Suite options to “Elevate Your Experience” in 2012
Atlanta Motor Speedway is offering several new individual seat suite-level options for fans looking to elevate their race day experience during the track’s 2012 Labor Day night racing weekend.

For those simply looking to enjoy a climate-controlled racing experience, the new Elliott Suite offers a view from high above turn three and the Elliott Grandstand. The suite seats will sell for $149 each and will feature individual theater-style seating, closed-circuit video and a 50 percent discount on scanner rentals. Fans may bring food and beverage into the suite. The Elliott Suite seats will be available for the AdvoCare 500 NASCAR Sprint Cup series race on Sunday, Sept 2. A limited number of parking spaces near the Elliott Grandstand will be available for purchase at $75.

Read about more suite options at AMS-PR

RCR to Honor Team Member Frankie Allen
Richard Childress Racing’s NASCAR Sprint Cup and Nationwide series teams will carry a special decal this weekend at Bristol Motor Speedway in honor of Frankie Allen, a valued employee and three-year veteran of the RCR team, who passed away earlier this week.

Allen worked as the shock specialist on the No. 2 Camping World Truck series entry with drivers Kevin Harvick, Brendan Gaughan and Tim George Jr. The Rock Hill SC native served as the car chief for George Jr’s No. 31 ARCA Racing series
team for the 2010 and 2011 seasons. In addition to running memorial decals on RCR’s Sprint Cup and Nationwide series cars this weekend, the three RCR Truck series teams will carry the decal honoring Allen for the Kroeger 250 race at Martinsville Speedway on March 31.

Read more from RCR-PR

Newman talks Animals and Racing at Martinsville
Ryan Newman is in the spotlight after a strong fourth-place showing in this past weekend’s NASCAR Sprint Cup series race, but Wednesday he found himself upstaged by a lumbering, lovable Great Dane named Bodhi.

Newman was in town visiting the Martinsville Henry County SPCA as part of a media promotion for the upcoming Goody’s Fast Relief 500 at Martinsville Speedway. He was greeted in the parking lot on arrival by the 20-month old, 165-pound Bodhi, who seldom left his side for the next 90 minutes and even visited with Newman at the track later in the day.

Read more from Martinsville Speedway-PR

Ride Shotgun with NASCAR Driver Martin Truex Jr for Charity
NAPA Auto Parts driver Martin Truex Jr announced he is giving two lucky race fans a thrilling ride around Charlotte Motor Speedway in his No. 56 Toyota Camry. The once-in-a-lifetime experience happens on Thursday, March 29 and will benefit the Martin Truex Jr. Foundation.

“I’m giving two fans the chance to experience what it is like to be me,” said Truex, who currently sits tied for eighth place in the NASCAR Sprint Cup series championship standings. “I can’t wait to take them for a spin in my NAPA Auto Parts Toyota. They’ll be riding shotgun and I plan to have the throttle wide open so they get the full experience. I also want them to walk away knowing how much I appreciate their support by helping me raise money for my foundation. Their support will go a long way in helping kids in need.”

Each winner will receive:

  • Three full speed laps around Charlotte Motor Speedway with Martin Truex Jr.
  • An autograph and picture with Martin
  • Exclusive VIP tour of the race shop at Michael Waltrip Racing
  • Martin Truex Jr. gift pack with apparel and merchandise
  • Winner will be allowed to bring a guest to the event (however guest will not participate in Ride-along)
Right now through Sunday, March 25, fans can bid on two separate ride-along experiences by visiting the Martin Truex Jr Foundation at

All proceeds from the auctions will benefit the Martin Truex Jr. Foundation and its mission of helping children in need.

From The Martin Truex Jr Foundation-PR

MacTools Partners with Richard Petty Motorsports and Marcos Ambrose
Mac Tools announces an expanded partnership with Richard Petty Motorsports and NASCAR Sprint Cup series driver Marcos Ambrose to run four races in a Mac Tools-branded No. 9 Ford Fusion. The Mac Tools No. 9 will race in Bristol on March 18, Kentucky on June 30, Richmond on Sept. 8 and Dallas on Nov. 4.

Read more from RPM-PR

Tommy Baldwin Racing, SealWrap & Widow Wax ink deal for eight races
Tommy Baldwin Racing (TBR) signed a deal with SealWrap and Widow Wax for eight NASCAR Sprint Cup series races in the 2012 season. Blaney will debut the No. 36 SealWrap/Widow Wax Chevrolet at Bristol Motor Speedway this weekend.

Read more from TBR-PR

ALSO: Tommy Baldwin Racing (TBR) entered into a partnership with privately held, international trade exchange company Tradebank.  As a part of the partnership, Tradebank will be the primary sponsor on the No. 10 Tradebank Chevrolet and David Reutimann in the Food City 500 at Bristol Motor Speedway.

Read more from TBR-PR

Natalie Sather Joins MAKE Motorsports
Natalie, 27, experienced sprint car driver and up-and-coming stock car racer, will be joining MAKE Motorsports as a development driver for the 2012 season.

Sather, a Fargo, ND, native will be piloting the #50 MAKE Motorsports entry in the NASCAR Camping World Truck series (NCWTS) for two scheduled events – the Kroeger 250 at Martinsville Speedway on March 31 and the Good Sam Roadside Assistance Carolina 200 presented by Cheerwine at Rockingham Speedway on April 15.

Read more from Make Motorsports-PR

Racer arrested in Florida Sex Sting
Former NASCAR Camping World Truck series driver Mario Gosselin was arrested Saturday as part of an online prostitution sting in Polk County, FL.

Gosselin, a native of St. Marie, Que, who now makes his home in Lake Wales, FL was arrested by Polk County Sheriff’s deputies and charged with soliciting prostitution, after responding to an online advertisement for sex. Married with two young daughters, the 40-year old Gosselin reportedly met with an undercover detective posing as a prostitute before being arrested and booked into the Polk County Jail. He is currently free on $250 bail.

Read more from Godfather Motorsports

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Chevy: New car with new name coming this year
Chevrolet is developing a new car with a new name for its 2013 NASCAR entry, replacing the Impala used by Team Chevy, and plans to eventually market and sell the new model to consumers.

The dealership and racing versions of the car will be unveiled this year, after the New York auto show in April, spokesman Monte Doran said. The new car will use a nameplate not currently in Chevy’s lineup. Neither the car nor its name will be a derivative of another model in Chevy showrooms, such as the new Malibu or the upcoming redesigned Impala, Doran said. General Motors wouldn’t reveal details.

Read more from Detroit Free Press

And: GM Australia engineered the current Zeta platform to underpin the current Holden Caprice (basis for the Canadian-built PPV) and Commodore. Holden-built Chevy Caprices are sold in parts of the Middle East and as the Buick Park Avenue in China. The North American Caprice PPV is available to cop shops with the 6.0-liter small block V-8 and the 3.6-liter V-6. If it were to be based on the Caprice PPV, it would likely have to be updated over the present-gen cop car in the styling department at the very least.

What about the name? Caprice doesn’t sound very sporting, and the version of that car fondly remembered post-1980 is known as the Impala Super Sport. Our money is on this name: Chevrolet Super Sport.

Read more from Motor Trend

DIY “Man Caves” Reveals Ultimate Race Suite at Bristol Motor Speedway
DIY Network, the go-to destination for home improvement television, and Bristol Motor Speedway, the home of the world’s fastest half-mile race track, are teaming up for a special episode of the popular series, Man Caves. Hosts licensed contractor Jason Cameron and former NFL great Tony “The Goose” Siragusa are revealing one of their most exciting Man Caves projects to date, a custom suite at Bristol Motor Speedway, just in time for the NASCAR race weekend.

During “race week,” March 12-18, they’ll be onsite in Bristol, TN, to create a race-ready man cave featuring every NASCAR fan’s dream: stadium seating made from race car driver seats, pub tables fashioned from Goodyear tires, and a racing simulator with seat vibration connected to sound from the track. DIY Network’s camera crews will document every facet of the three-day renovation and share it all during a special episode of Man Caves premiering on Friday, Aug. 17 at 9pm ET.

Once the man cave is complete, Cameron will spend some time on Friday afternoon with 2011 NASCAR Nationwide series champion Ricky Stenhouse Jr. Beginning at 3:45pm ET Cameron will meet with Stenhouse Jr for a lesson in NASCAR, followed by a full tour of the No. 6 hauler and pit road to learn more about what  team does to prepare for a race weekend.

Man Caves airs every Friday night at 9pm ET on DIY Network. For more information on DIY Network’s Man Caves, Cameron and Siragusa, please visit

Tune in to the NASCAR Nationwide series Ford EcoBoost 300 on Saturday, March 17 at 2pm ET on ESPN and the NASCAR Sprint Cup series Food City 500 on Sunday, March 18 at 1pm ET on FOX.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Today in NASCAR History
1983 – Richard Petty scores his 196th career win, leading the final 29 laps at North Carolina Motor Speedway in Rockingham, NC. Petty prevailed by half a car-length to deny Bill Elliott his first win in NASCAR’s premier series. Darrell Waltrip was third as the only other car on the lead lap.

From NASCAR .com

National Stock Car Racing Appeals Panel Upholds Penalties Assessed to the No. 48 Team
On March 13, 2012, the National Stock Car Racing Appeals Panel heard and considered the appeal of the #48 Hendrick Motorsports NASCAR Sprint Cup series team.

The penalties concern Section 12-1 of the NASCAR Rule Book “Actions detrimental to stock car racing;” Section 12-4(J); “Any determination by NASCAR Officials that the Race Equipment used in the Event does not conform to NASCAR rules detailed in Section 20 of the NASCAR Rule Book, or has not been approved by NASCAR Officials, any part or component of 2.1(E): “If in the judgement of NASCAR Officials, any part or component of the car not previously approved by NASCAR that has been installed or modified to enhance aerodynamic performance, will not be permitted: Unapproved car body modifications.”

This stemmed from an opening day inspection for the NASCAR Sprint Cup series at Daytona International Speedway on February 17, 2012.

The original penalties assessed prior to the deferral were:
– Car Owner (Jeffrey M. Gordon) – Loss of 25 NASCAR Sprint Cup series championship car owner points;
– Car Driver (Jimmie K. Johnson) – Loss of 25 NASCAR Sprint Cup series championship driver points;
– Crew Chief (Chad A. Knaus) – $100,000 fine. Suspended from the next six (6) NASCAR Sprint Cup series championship events. Suspended from NASCAR until April 18, 2012. Placed on NASCAR probation until May 9, 2012.
– Car Chief (Ron P. Malec) – Suspended from the next six (6) NASCAR Sprint Cup series championship events. Suspended from NASCAR until April 18, 2012. Placed on NASCAR probation until May 9, 2012.

Upon hearing the testimony, carefully reviewing the facts and historically comparative penalties, the unanimous decision of the National Stock Car Racing Appeals Panel was to uphold the original penalties assessed by NASCAR.

The Appellants have the right under Section 15 of the Rule Book to appeal this decision to the National Stock Car Racing Chief Appellate Officer.

From NASCAR-Press Release

Hendrick Motorsports response

Hendrick Motorsports will request a hearing before the National Stock Car Racing chief appellate officer to continue its appeal of NASCAR sanctions related to the No. 48 Sprint Cup team.

“The panel was generous with its time today, and we appreciated the opportunity to talk through our concerns,” said Rick Hendrick, owner of Hendrick Motorsports. “We feel strongly about this issue and will continue to pursue it at the next level.”

Adjustments to the No. 48 personnel are not planned while the appeal is ongoing.


SPEED to provide full coverage of today’s No. 48 appeal
The No. 48 Hendrick Motorsports NASCAR Sprint Cup series team, driven by five-time series champion Jimmie Johnson, and led by crew chief Chad Knaus and car chief Ron Malec, are appealing their fines and suspensions today at the NASCAR R&D Center in Concord, NC.

Throughout the day, SPEED and NASCAR Insider Wendy Venturini are on-site to capture the latest information with the appeal, breaking into regularly scheduled programming throughout the day starting at 10am ET. Then at 6pm ET tonight, full coverage from today’s proceedings can be seen on NASCAR Race Hub Special Report.

Knaus and Malec were each suspended for six Sprint Cup series races, suspended from NASCAR until April 18 and placed on probation until May 9 after NASCAR discovered unapproved C-Posts on Feb 17 during opening day of Daytona 500 inspection. Knaus was fined $100,000, while driver Jimmie Johnson and car owner Jeff Gordon both lost 25 championship points respectively.


Nothing that appealing about hearing
The scene outside of NASCAR’s Research and Development Center on Tuesday will be much like you’d see outside of a courthouse during a big trial.

It will be a media circus – or a stakeout, as some call it – but on a much smaller scale than you’d see with Casey Anthony or OJ Simpson.

CNN and CNBC won’t be here.

There will be a hearing going on inside, but there will be no judge in the pure legal sense, or attorneys cross examining witnesses. And there’s no pretense that those under the spotlight are innocent until proven guilty.

Here you are guilty, without question, going in.

Read more from ESPN

Carl Edwards to serve as honorary starter for Ford 300 at Bristol
Carl Edwards is used to seeing the green flag fly from behind the wheel of his Roush Fenway Racing Ford Fusion or Mustang, but this weekend he’ll get a truly different perspective as he serves as Honorary Starter for Saturday’s Ford EcoBoost 300 at Bristol Motor Speedway.

As part of its multi-year sponsorship agreement with BMS that runs through 2014, the Region Area Ford Dealers have continually looked for ways to activate and improve the race weekend experience for fans. Ford Fan Friday, where race fans can attend Q&A sessions and get autographs from their favorite drivers, has become a highly-anticipated event. The inclusion of Edwards in this special role continues that philosophy.

Read more from BMS-PR

Darrell Waltrip Joins Andretti Panel for SPEED Performer of the Year
Three-time NASCAR Cup series champion Darrell Waltrip, recently inducted into the NASCAR Hall of Fame, has agreed to become a voting member of the SPEED Performer of the Year panel, giving the distinguished group six Hall of Fame racers, including Mario Andretti, Dan Gurney, Sir Stirling Moss, Don Prudhomme and Scott Russell.

The winner of the annual award is presented the Mario Andretti Trophy on a special episode of SPEED Center in February.

Read more from SPEED-PR

Purchase a Ticket to Darlington Raceway & Support Help a Hero Campaign
Darlington Raceway, Sports Clips Haircuts and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) are asking for race fans to help support the Help a Hero campaign by purchasing a ticket for the upcoming NASCAR Sprint Cup series Southern 500 race weekend on May 11-12.

For every adult ticket sold through the week of March 12 – 18 (Monday thru Sunday) to either the Sprint Cup series Southern 500 or Nationwide series, VF@ Sports Clips Help a Hero 200, Darlington Raceway will make a $2 donation per ticket to support the VFW.

Read more from Darlington Raceway-PR

Kevin Harvick to Chat Online with Consumers Tuesday Night
Race fans of all ages who have questions for NASCAR Sprint Cup driver Kevin Harvick can participate in Federal-Mogul’s (NASDAQ: FDML) next #ChampionChat session this Tuesday, March 13, at 7pm ET via Twitter and

Harvick, driver of the No. 29 Budweiser/Rheem/Jimmy John’s Chevrolet, is the official spokesperson for Federal-Mogul’s iconic Champion brand of spark plugs, filters wipers and performance chemical additives. One night each month, he answers questions live for 30 minutes through the innovative #ChampionChat social media campaign. To ask a question, participants simply need to visit and use the #ChampionChat hashtag at the end of each message. Questions and answers also will appear on the Champion brand’s @ChampionParts Twitter feed.

Harvick will also record video answers to #ChampionChat questions received through the conversational video site following the live chat on Twitter.

“We’ve had excellent questions in each of our first two #ChampionChat sessions, and Kevin really enjoys being able to provide an insider’s view of Sprint Cup racing,” said Jessica Wynn, manager of brand strategy, North America, Federal-Mogul. “This program also offers the Champion team an opportunity to connect with millions of consumers who use our spark plugs and other performance-driven products in their cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats and lawn-and-garden equipment.”

For more information about Champion products and programs, please visit

From Federal-Mogul Corportation-PR

Monday, March 12, 2012
Today in NASCAR History
1961 – Fireball Roberts laps the field twice to win the final NASCAR Grand National race at Marchbanks Speedway in Hanford, CA. Roberts driving the only Pontiac in the 36-car field, leads all 178 laps on the 1.4-mile asphalt track. Eddie Gray finishes two laps down in second place with Danny Letner three laps back in third.

From NASCAR .com

NASCAR’s Paul Brooks to leave company in May

Paul Brooks
Photo – NASCAR .com

NASCAR announced today that Paul Brooks, senior vice president of NASCAR and president of NASCAR Media Group, is leaving the company on May 4, 2012, to focus on a variety of personal and outside business interests. Brooks, who has been with NASCAR for 19 years, will continue as a senior advisor to the company in key areas, including broadcasting, media strategy and innovation.

“Paul’s accomplishments at NASCAR are beyond measure and have contributed significantly to the success of our entire industry over the last two decades and prepared us in many areas for future growth,” said NASCAR Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Brian France. “We are grateful for his years of dedicated service, support his decision to pursue other interests and wish the very best to Paul and his family. He will be greatly missed.”

Among his most important contributions at NASCAR, Brooks was on the initial team that developed NASCAR’s long-term consolidated television and new media agreements with FOX, FX, NBC, Turner and NASCAR TV on SPEED, and later, agreements with ABC/ESPN. Brooks also is credited with leading NASCAR’s efforts to become the first professional sports league to launch a 24-hour satellite radio channel with NASCAR Radio on XM Satellite and later transitioning to Sirius Satellite Radio. In one of the largest sponsor partnerships in sports, Brooks was a key member of the negotiating team that brought Sprint-Nextel into the sport as title sponsor to what was then the NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series and is now the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series.

As SVP for NASCAR and president of NASCAR Media Group, Brooks assumed day-to-day responsibilities for NASCAR’s Charlotte, NC offices in Sept. 2007, with all broadcasting, new media, licensing and consumer products, publishing, automotive aftermarket, and international business departments reporting to him. Since that time, NASCAR Plaza, NASCAR Media Group, the NASCAR Hall of Fame and the NASCAR Teams Licensing Trust all were developed and launched.

As VP of broadcasting for NASCAR and VP of NASCAR Digital Entertainment, Brooks established NASCAR’s Los Angeles office in 2000, while overseeing all broadcasting, entertainment and new media ventures. He served as executive producer of NASCAR: Drivers 360 on FX and executive producer for the Emmy Award-winning NASCAR IN CAR on iN DEMAND, television’s first enhanced multi-channel digital sports package. Under his management, the Los Angeles office quickly became a focal point for NASCAR’s marketing, licensing, sales and communications functions on the West Coast. One of his first projects in Los Angeles was to create “NASCAR 3D: The IMAX Experience” that debuted in March 2004 and became one of the most successful film documentaries in IMAX history.

After joining NASCAR in 1993, Brooks held several key positions with the sanctioning body including VP, Office of the President, reporting directly to Bill France, Jr, then chairman and CEO of NASCAR. In this capacity, Brooks was responsible for leading long-term and operational planning for NASCAR, directing special projects and publishing, developing and launching NASCAR Online, and leading international business initiatives, including NASCAR exhibition events in Japan. Prior to joining NASCAR, his experience in the sport began in 1989 and included key positions with NASCAR drivers, teams and media outlets.

Brooks was a three-time honoree in the Sports Business Journal “Forty Under 40” and entered the Sports Business Journal “Forty Under 40 Hall of Fame” in 2005.

“Paul’s influence on NASCAR has been tremendous and will be felt for years to come,” said NASCAR President Mike Helton. “He led some of the company’s most important initiatives that have driven growth and prepared us to better serve the fans and the industry. Along the way, he earned respect and confidence throughout NASCAR and, in particular, from Bill France Jr and Brian France in their capacity as CEO’s of the company. I have great respect for Paul and look forward to continuing our professional relationship, but more importantly our friendship.”

Brooks, 47, and his wife Kelly, have a daughter, Olivia, and a son, Kasey, and they will continue to live in Charlotte, NC.


FedEx & Autism Speaks team up for June 3rd Sprint Cup race at Dover
FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX), Autism Speaks and Dover International Speedway are pleased to announce that FedEx will return as the title sponsor for the spring NASCAR Sprint Cup series race at Dover International Speedway, the June 3, 2012 “FedEx 400 benefiting Autism Speaks.”

This is the second straight year FedEx has been the title sponsor for the spring NASCAR Sprint Cup series race at Dover International Speedway. It’s also the sixth straight year that the Monster Mile will partner with Autism Speaks, the world’s leading autism science and advocacy organization, helping to raise funds and awareness for the cause throughout race weekend.

Read more from Dover International Speedway-PR

Fuel injection issues plague Penske duo at LVMS
Secret or not, Brad Keselowski and the rest of his team have learned their lesson from last year’s comments about the electronic fuel injection system and want no more fines from NASCAR. So the outspoken driver bit his proverbial tongue on Twitter Sunday afternoon after leaving Las Vegas Motor Speedway very disappointed with his 32nd-place finish.

For the second consecutive week, Keselowski had some fuel pickup issues, and this time it hurt him much worse than it did in a fifth-place run at Phoenix. After Landon Cassill blew his engine on Lap 246, Keselowski couldn’t get going on the restart and was well off the pace as cars passed him on both sides. After the race, Keselowski said there was still fuel in the gas tank, meaning it was an issue with the fuel system.

Read more from NASCAR .com

Kyle Petty Criticizes the NASCAR Appeals Process
Kyle Petty on the NASCAR Appeals Process
Petty: “This appeals process is a crapshoot…these people shouldn’t be judging Jimmie Johnson and Chad Knaus…they don’t even understand the sport…”

Former driver and SPEED analyst Kyle Petty sounded off on the NASCAR appeals process, through which Hendrick Motorsports and crew chief Chad Knaus will navigate on Tuesday, during Sunday’s NASCAR RaceDay broadcast from Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Following is a transcrip of Petty’s assessment of the appeals process:

Petty: ” You want to talk about a crapshoot. This appeals process is a crapshoot. There are 45 members on this board. If you got the NASCAR rule book, you’ll see these people’s names. Some of them may have passed away since their names were put in here. That’s how old these people are. These people shouldn’t be judging Jimmie Johnson and Chad Knaus and some of this stuff. I challenge anybody out there to find me more than eight or 10 out of this 45 who have been to the race track in the last 12 to 24 months. These people don’t go to the race track, they don’t understand the process. They don’t understand sometimes where this sport is. They’re great business people. They’re past drivers, champions, past sports car racers, past engine builders. Doesn’t make any difference. I think they should be judged by their peers. In this environment, in this environment we race today, if you commit a crime or you do something, you should be judged by people who understand the sport and what is going on. And I don’t think the appeals process is a good process, but at the same time, I don’t think the fine or what they’ve done to Jimmie Johnson and Chad Knaus is anywhere near legit. It’s total BS. They never should have fined them because the car never made it onto the race track.

‘How can they (appeals panel) override it (the penalty)? They don’t even understand the sport – look at the names on this list. The ‘Room of Doom,” they way these templates fit and everything that goes on (inspection) – it’s a complicated process. I’m not even sure I could judge Chad on it because I don’t go down there and watch them put those templates on that car. I don’t know what the sport is sometimes and how it changes. I think (Mike) Helton is a better judge of it. I think (John) Darby is a better judge of it. I think Robin (Pemberton) is a better judge of it because they’re right in there, but to take it (appeals hearing) out of this context and take it somewhere else, I don’t appreciate that. I don’t like it.”


Dodge Charger Race Car for 2013 Sprint Cup Series Unveiled at LVMS

2013 Dodge Charger Unveil at Las Vegas Motor Speedway
Photo – Chris Williams Icon Sports Media

Fans asked for it. NASCAR agreed. SRT Motorsports and Dodge delivered. SRT Motorsports unveiled the 2013 Dodge Charger that will compete in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series next season at Las Vegas Motor Speedway in front of the people that asked for the change – the fans. Just as they did with the Dodge Challenger when it was introduced in the NASCAR Nationwide series two years ago, SRT Motorsports designers and engineers created a race car fans will have no problem identifying on the track. The defining features of the street Charger have been expertly incorporated into the racing  version.

NASCAR eased rules on where manufacturers could put glass and solid body pieces. That freed designers and engineers to make the “greenhouse,” the area above the doors, hood and truck lid, more closely resemble production cars. Rules were also eased for the front and rear, and especially the sides, allowing the character lines that come directly from the street car.

The relationship between the Dodge Charger street car and the Dodge race car is unmistakable.

From Darnell Communications for SRT Motorsports (Dodge)-PR

ALSO: Dodge Motorsports president Ralph Gilles said Dodge is moving forward and hopes to remain in NASCAR despite losing Penske Racing as its signature team.

Gilles spoke Sunday morning at Las Vegas Motor Speedway after the unveiling of the 2013 Dodge Charger Sprint Cup car. Two weeks ago, Roger Penske announced his two-car Dodge team (Dodge’s only major team) was switching to Ford in 2013.

Read more from ESPN

Keep checking back for updated news throughout the week. Each day’s news stories will be posted here as a digest of NASCAR news for the entire week.

As always, Thanks for reading and participating.