Jason’s Journey: It Was More Than a Chair

JasonJourneylogo400x300It was more than just a seat. Sitting in a chair that represents so much. Dreams, hopes, and success. It was an inspiration, what I want to be and I what I could be. There are so many opportunities in front of me, but glancing at an end point of one of them was special. Oh so special.

When I toured the Charlotte Motor Speedway last week, part of the tour led us to the PRN studios. Inside the studio is the area where all their shows are broadcast. One of the rooms is where one of the best in the radio business does his weekly show. The show is hosted by Doug Rice, PRN broadcaster and winner of about a million awards that are displayed in the waiting room. As we walked into one of the rooms, our tour guide mentioned that this is where Doug does his show and she pointed to the chair where he would sit to broadcast across the air waves.

I asked if I was allowed to sit and get a picture. The answer was yes and to me, this wasn’t just any ‘ole seat, this was the seat where someone I aspire to be like works and where his journey has led him. Doug worked his way up to this position and it was likely his dream too; to one day be one of the most renowned media personalities in racing. Whether he dreamed of it or not, that’s where he is now and that’s where I hope to be someday.

myrtle-beach-charlotte-2-355To be anything like Doug, involves hard work. Doing all I can to achieve the impossible. The internship I’m doing this summer is one of the steps I’m taking to achieve my dream; working in the sport I love. I think of it as the first step in going after my aspirations. Seeing other people succeed in doing the same thing is motivation. Doug did, so why can’t I?  I bet he would tell me that hard work is the key to what I want. Hard work is what I plan on doing until I reach the mountain top of my dream.

Those minutes I sat in his chair, they may have felt like nothing special, but it indeed was something special to me. It was inspiration, hope, and the knowledge that I can dream and achieve. Knowing that people have succeeded at what I dream, is the basis of inspiration. Inspiration is oh so important. It’ll lift you up and not drop you until you reach the point that motivation helps you reach a little bit further. I sat in the chair for less than two minutes, but it’ll be a time that I won’t soon forget.

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