2016 Daytona 500 Breaks Record Social/Digital Consumption for NASCAR


NASCAR Daytona 500

NASCAR Daytona 500

2016 Daytona 500 Sets Record Social/Digital Consumption Numbers for NASCAR

In addition to the drama that played out on the race track, the 2016 Daytona 500 produced record social/digital consumption numbers for NASCAR. This year’s edition of The Great American Race generated the most NASCAR-related social conversation on any single day since the beginning of the NASCAR Fan and Media Engagement Center (FMEC). It also set a record for most impressions generated in one day by NASCAR’s social channels, a 63% increase compared to last year’s Daytona 500.

NASCAR’s digital platform generated 2.1 million unique visitors and 13 million page views.

More Statistical Highlights include:

  • Social conversation increased 44% compared to last year’s Daytona 500
  • Multiple celebrities tweeted about the race, including Justin Bieber (76 million followers), Ashton Kutcher (17.4 million) and John Cena (7.7 million)
  • NASCAR fans spent 2.8 million minutes watching Daytona 500 content on the recently launched NASCAR Drive – an all-time high for NASCAR.com
  • The 2016 Daytona 500 was the No. 1 most tweeted-about TV program of the day, generating 66 percent more conversation than the No. 2 event (WWE Fastlane)
  • The 2016 Daytona 500 finish is the most-looped Vine in the history of the @NASCAR Twitter account