Jeb & Ward Burton at 9 pm ET – Photo Getty Images
Jeb Burton is our guest on Fan4Racing Fan2Fan NASCAR & Race Talk on Monday, February 16, 2015 at 9 pm ET. During the LIVE broadcast, call 714-202-9918 or tweet @Fan4RacingSite or @Sal_Sigala with any questions or comments.
Camping World Truck Series driver Jeb Burton works along with,The 2002 Daytona 500 champion, Ward Burton at BK Racing
Roller Coasters are a lot of fun at the amusement park, and so is the roller coast of life, but only if you have the right perspective. Jeb and Ward Burton know what that means because they have the right perspective that is serving them well and inspiring the rest of us.
Successful people inspire us because they always find a way to make lemonade out of the lemons. They remind us that even in the worst of times, there is always a way to make it through the fog into the light. The rewards of that perspective are what keep successful people ready for the next hurdle in life. They don’t always enjoy every step of the journey, but they know it’s the good and the bad steps along the way that will get them to their destination.
Many drivers dream of racing the Daytona 500 in the Sprint Cup Series, and that journey has plenty of ups and downs – ask any driver and they’ll tell you it’s their top goal and the most difficult to reach. The moment of inspiration for Jeb Burton’s dream of racing the Daytona 500 was in victory lane with his dad Ward Burton – the 2002 Daytona 500 winner – a race he was not expected to win. Continue reading →
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