Jason’s Journey: Practice Makes Perfect

JasonJourneylogo400x300The old saying of ‘practice makes perfect’ has worn off as time has passed. The saying means little to many and some just ignore it. For me, this saying is motivation. It has inspired me to write and its inspiring me to write this right now. Because, it’s so true. Practice makes perfect.

Currently in the internship I’m doing, we’re basically on an off few weeks so our job is to keep practicing. Practice recaps, interviews, and writing in general. For me, that’s not a real assignment since that’s what I do every week anyways. Continue reading

Unforgettable Experiences Made Up My Weekend at New Hampshire

new-hampshire-july-2013-c-075When I left for the New Hampshire Motor Speedway last week, I had no idea what was to come. I was hoping for some good racing and to meet a few people. I really didn’t expect anything more than that, but what I ultimately left the track with, were memories that would last a lifetime. These memories will forever be special to me and what’s special about them is that they all came as surprises. Continue reading