NASCAR Hall of Fame Inductee – Herb Thomas

Winning Races Only Thing That Mattered To Herb Thomas

Record Winning Percentage Forged NASCAR Hall Of Fame Credentials

Take it from the King. Herb Thomas stood tall in an era when the stock in stock car truly defined what NASCAR’s pioneers raced.

Herb Thomas 2013 NASCAR Hall of Fame Inductee

Herb Thomas 2013 NASCAR Hall of Fame Inductee

“He was as good as they come,” said Richard Petty. “There have been very few guys who had more confidence in what he could do than Herb. He was so strong-minded that he ‘willed’ his wins and what he was doing on the track. Continue reading

NASCAR Hall of Fame Inductee – Cotton Owens

Cotton-Owens-2013-NHoF-InducteeCotton Owens Was Gentleman Competitor In NASCAR’s Early Era

Through stock car racing’s rough and tumble, formative years Everett “Cotton” Owens stood out for a multitude of reasons: among them, winning driver and owner and master mechanic.

But perhaps most of all, he was a gentleman. Continue reading

NASCAR Hall of Fame Inductee – Leonard Wood

Leonard-Wood-2013-NHoFArchitect of Modern Pit Stop heads to NASCAR Hall of Fame

Back in the day, there was no such thing as a “how-to” manual for chief mechanics.

Or for race car builders, engine assemblers and tuners and anyone else associated with the then-fledgling sport of NASCAR stock car racing. Continue reading