Will Kimmel is our guest on Fan4Racing with Catchfence NASCAR Weekend Preview on Thursday, July 9, 2015 at 9 pm ET. Call 714-202-9918 or tweet @Fan4RacingSite, @Knighter01 or @ZRoethlisberger with any questions or comments during the LIVE broadcast.
When opportunity knocks, take it, especially if it means fulfilling a life-long dream.
Racing is a life-long journey and Will Kimmel has raced since he could reach the pedals. He’s been dreaming of racing since watching his dad and grandpa race every weekend they could manage. Although Kimmel has had the privilege of racing in several different series, chasing his dreams has included a lot of hard work and as it is with many aspiring drivers, finding funding to make it all happen is at times even harder.
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