Sprint Cup Competition Runs Deep Both ‘On’ and ‘Off’ the Track

This story may have actually started at the close of the 2012 season when Keselowski won the Sprint Cup Championship  Photo - Todd Warshaw/Getty Images

This story may have actually started at the close of the 2012 season when Keselowski won the Sprint Cup Championship
Photo – Todd Warshaw/Getty Images

And now for the rest of this story…and fans can expect more chapters in the coming weeks and months

Apparently there is a rumored back-story to the Penske rear-end housing parts taken by NASCAR officials at Texas Motor Speedway this past weekend. And this rumor may, at least in part, be what Keselowski is referring to when he said,

“You have no idea what this team has endured in the last seven days…”

And perhaps, what the Penske teams have endured is for longer than seven days. This story may actually have started when the season ended in 2012 and re-started in Daytona 2013. Continue reading