NASCAR Acceleration Weekend 2013 Previews New Season

Acceleration13NASCAR Hall of Fame Induction, Driver Appearances, Q&As, Gen-6 Car Featured

A long winter’s wait is over. NASCAR Acceleration Weekend 2013 rolls into Charlotte, N.C. Friday through Sunday signaling the beginning of the new season. Continue reading

Fred Lorenzen – Continues his Road to Glory in Elmhurst

Photo - Elmhurst Historical Museum exhibit Feb 1 to May 19, 2013

Photo – Elmhurst Historical Museum exhibit Feb 1 to May 19, 2013

“On the Road to Glory: Fred Lorenzen,” Racing Legend and Hometown Hero

Designated as one of the top 50 NASCAR drivers of all time in 1998, Fred Lorenzen‘s, rise in NASCAR is like a shooting star, shining brightly during a substantial part of its golden era in the 1960’s. For five years from 1962 to 1967, Lorenzen’s star power was at its brightest as he dominated NASCAR’s racing circuit, winning numerous major races and defeating the best drivers of his day with an amazing 21 wins. Continue reading

NASCAR Hall of Fame Inductee – Buck Baker

Buck Baker Photo - Facebook
Buck Baker
Photo – Facebook

Baker’s Tough Attitude Perfect For NASCAR’s Early Year

First Winner Of Consecutive Titles Bulled Way To NASCAR Hall of Fame

Buck Baker personified the term “old school.”

Elzie Wylie “Buck” Baker, winner of 46 NASCAR Sprint Cup races and the series’ first back-to-back champion, personified the phrase “no quarter asked and none given.”

Baker, whose NASCAR career spanned portions of four decades beginning in 1949, had one goal: to win. How he got there, well, that was up to Baker. Continue reading

NASCAR Hall of Fame Inductee – Herb Thomas

Winning Races Only Thing That Mattered To Herb Thomas

Record Winning Percentage Forged NASCAR Hall Of Fame Credentials

Take it from the King. Herb Thomas stood tall in an era when the stock in stock car truly defined what NASCAR’s pioneers raced.

Herb Thomas 2013 NASCAR Hall of Fame Inductee

Herb Thomas 2013 NASCAR Hall of Fame Inductee

“He was as good as they come,” said Richard Petty. “There have been very few guys who had more confidence in what he could do than Herb. He was so strong-minded that he ‘willed’ his wins and what he was doing on the track. Continue reading

NASCAR Hall of Fame Inductee – Cotton Owens

Cotton-Owens-2013-NHoF-InducteeCotton Owens Was Gentleman Competitor In NASCAR’s Early Era

Through stock car racing’s rough and tumble, formative years Everett “Cotton” Owens stood out for a multitude of reasons: among them, winning driver and owner and master mechanic.

But perhaps most of all, he was a gentleman. Continue reading